
by Streamago Inc.


not available

LiveFromMe allows anybody with a smartphone to share what is going on around them with one person, a few friends, or the world, at the press of a button. Invite more people to watch a live broadcast. Login with Facebook or Twitter and share your world as its happening. Turn your phone in to a LIVE TV channel. And it's FREE!You can broadcast live events using your phone carrier network or from a wifi network. If you logged in using Facebook, our application will post a live video link directly into your timeline. We provide similar features if you login using Twitter or WhatsApp.
LiveFromMe does not restrict your broadcast length. You can broadcast an entire game, birthday or your reunion. Using our local auto recording option, you can then upload a file stored in your phone of the event you just broadcast. Anyone that missed the event can then watch a rebroadcast from your online video library. Go ahead and broadcast! Share your life with the world! Share life as it happens!